Bear Note The Go Language

If you know nothing about Go, here are a few key or interesting points that make it a great tool for our toolbox:

A few things that you might use every day that were built with Go include things like: Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, Prometheus, Grafana, Caddy, Ngrok, Minio, Etcd

Documentation and Other Resources

Installing Go

To install Go, use brew:

brew install go

Starting a New Project

To start a new Go project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new directory for your project.
  2. Initialize a new Go module by running go mod init <module-name> where <module-name> is the name of your project. Note: The module name is usually the repository URL but can be any name such as myapp or
  3. Create the recommended project structure as shown below.

Project Structure

In general, Go doesn't care how you structure your project and it can be as simple as having a single main.go file for small utility applications. That said, when creating a new Go project it is important to follow a consistent structure, especially for larger projects. Here is a recommended project structure for a Go application that follows best practices and works well for most applications:

├── cmd/               --> Main binaries for this project under cmd. You can have multiple binaries in a single project.
│   └── myapp/
│       └── main.go    --> Entry point of this binary. This will be the "main" package.
│    └── myapp2/
│       └── main.go    --> Entry point of another binary. This will also be the "main" package for this binary.
├── internal/          --> Private application and library code specific to this project
│   ├── handlers/      --> HTTP request handlers or controllers. If this is package "handlers" it will be referenced as "myapp/internal/handler"
│   ├── models/        --> Data models: package "models" referenced as "myapp/internal/models"
│   ├── service/       --> Other business logic, services, etc. referenced as "myapp/internal/service"
│   ├── templates/     --> HTML templates
│   └── util/          --> Utility functions: referenced as "myapp/internal/util"
├── pkg/               --> Public application and library code that can be used by other projects 
│   └── mypackage/         This may not be used in all projects
├── configs/           --> Configuration files
│   └── config.yaml    
├── go.mod             --> Go module file,  this is auto-generated
├── go.sum             --> Go module dependencies, this is auto-generated
├── .env               --> Environment variables
├── Makefile           --> Makefile for build automation
└──          --> Project documentation / readme

A simple command line application structured similarly could omit the internal, pkg, and configs directories if they are not needed as outlined below:

├── cmd/
│   └── myapp/
│       └── main.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum

Running the Application

To run your Go application in the above structure, you can use the following command from the root of your project:

go run ./cmd/myapp/*.go

This will build and run the myapp binary and will ensure that all dependencies are included.

Adding Packages and Dependencies

To add a new dependency to your Go project, use the following command:

go get <dependency>

A few of my favorite Go packages, tools and libraries

Created: Thursday, September 19, 2024 - Updated: Friday, September 20, 2024